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Hey guys! And a huge welcome to all new patrons! :D
This month I would like to finish the next comic update. I have 6 panels left, with three of them being rather tricky perspective-wise, so I hope they won't consume too much of my time.

With that being said I would like to dedicate this month mostly to my next book and finishing two commissions I still got left. I could share wips to said commissions, but otherwise I might be a bit more quiet around this month :(
I was thinking about putting charging on a halt, though I think Dusk-pledgers can still expect early access for the next comic this month.

But otherwise I might take a break in December, I noticed that I have been putting myself under WAY too much pressure to produce new content as quickly as possible, and it has been wearing me down immensely this week. I should probably force myself to take a break and only focus on one thing at a time.

But thank you so much for your patience and your support! I hope this update is not too disappointing for those of you who just got here :'D If you guys want to, I can look into how to cancel the charge for December.



I'm personally here to support you as an artist, not buying stuff from you via Patreon. So if it is up to me, take as long break as you ever want :3


if you need a break you should take one ;3