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Hey guys! A bit late, but here's an update on what to expect this month from me!

I have to admit that I'm still struggling with chronic pain in my arms and hands - despite doing sports, the vertebra that affects my arms and shoulders keeps twisting and causing me terrible pain, down right to my freaking FINGERTIPS of my dominant hand.

I know that it has psychological causes at this point. I won't go too much into detail, but my chiropractor knows the many psychological connections of the spine and it's vertebras - In this case it's about moving forward. We're living in a VERY transformative time and I find myself changing a lot, but also being hesitant towards change and taking the next big step in both my career and growing as a person. And due to Covid everything is happening at a MUCH slower pace than I'd like them to happen, which is also very frustrating :'D

SO TO SUM THINGS UP, progress on comics and videos is very slow right now, but I'll make sure to throw sneak peaks at you guys whenever I can!

So this is the current schedule for October. Bold stands for tasks I will definitely work on, everything else depends on my arms:

  • Continue work on the Dragon Animation (whenever my hands allow it)
  • Continue work on the next Comic (whenever my hands allow it)
  • Photoshoot for Reference Material of the next Comic (This I can do DESPITE of my pain)
  • Continue writing on my second Gardendragon Novel (Typing is still much less painful
  • Video Call with a Literary Agency at the end of October*

*I am still waiting for a final answer, but as of now, I have an appointment with the agency I've been in contact with for a Webcall. If things work out well, we may decide to continue working together and I'll start taking care of getting my books under a new contract.

ALSO I bought new audio equipment, which will arrive next week! My voice is very untrained, so I need to learn some exercises, but I am looking forward to start recording audio for a couple of different video ideas I've been playing with!

That's all for now!
Thanks for your support and as always I'll keep you guys updated! :D



Be sure not to overwork yourself. Hope you start feeling a bit better! Love the work you do ❤️

Corrina Floraline

OMG! Please don't hurt your precious hand and your fingers. They must rest, and at the top of your list, is rest. Take care of yourself, no rushing, and feel better soon.

Eleanor Bick

Thank you so much Corrina! :') I have fully accepted that things are going a bit slow for me this month and am taking a lot of breaks, taking walks, reading and resting with a cup of tea. Though I'm looking forward for my arm to get better and my energy returning :'D