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Hey there! :D A huge HELLO to my new patrons! I'd...I'd actually love to know how you found my patreon because I haven't advertised it much and not very ACTIVELY yet so I'd love to find out what caught your attention! Still need to figure things out...but we're getting there!

I'm happy to announce that I am working on thREE DIFFERENT VIDEOS right now and I hope I can show a bit of each of them very soon :D I am currently working on:

  • A vine compilation (you actually already saw a screenshot of that hehe)
  • A short animated skit
  • My WILD BEE Video...for which I had the script lying around for AGES but now I'm finally ready to record audio very soon!

Also the next comic update is like...over 50% done! I've got all the backgrounds ready so far EXCEPT one and...I mostly need to work on faces, which always takes a lot of time :'D I am not very happy with a few expressions, I might have to rework them.

Aaaaand otherwise I'm still finishing a Pokefusion Commission and am waiting for an answer from a Literacy Agency. They recently sent me a mail with feedback and suggestions to change my books, which are...interesting. I proposed a meeting to talk about the books in detail, so let's hope that's gonna work out :D

Aaaaand that's pretty much the schedule for September!

OH, ALSO I will be on a last-minute vacation from the 26th September to October the third. One week of Denmark for me and my mom! I would have loved to try something new, but that would've probably been too stressful in such short notice, especially in times of Corona.

I'll keep you guys updated on my projects!
Thanks again for your support!  😊  🦋  ✨ 



Happy trip! Know that you are always welcomed to stay at my place if you ever want to come to Finland (and would you prefer privacy as I live in 1 room flat only, there's a really nice home hotel in my neighborhood).

Isabel Noorland

you deseve this trip el by the way hows your arm holding up? Oh and one more thing your comics always turn out great so you dont need to worry! im exited to see your new suprises and comics for september!

Eleanor Bick

AWWW Thank you! :D Yeah my arm is better, I probably will need a second chiropractor appointment but I'm doing my best to train my back until then so my arm holds up after the appointment xD

Eleanor Bick

THAT IS SO SWEET OF YOU, thank you Niu ;w; I'd definitely love to go to Finland one day, you can be sure I'll let you know if I should take a trip there :D