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I am quite undecided so I was hoping maybe you guys could help me out!
Often I'm unsure if my backgrounds are distracting, if they're taking away from the significance of the moment or if they add to the atmosphere and the richness of the world and the scene rather than taking away from it.
I was even thinking about keeping the background clear with only a blue sky and clouds, but that would have been very distracting, since in a previous panel a background is very much present and it would be weird for it to suddenly disappear.



Luis_El Oso_Graciano

I like the first one the best. It adds depth and perspective to the composition and it is a delight to behold. I do not think that it distracts a lot, you make a good work or having Guzma's eyes, positioning and event he poke ball's pattern help our eyes get oriented to be drawn into what's important in the image which I believe would be his expression. I agree with Joan, a lot of what made Alolah so interesting was the environment, he island have a lot of personality and it is a delight to appreciate it.

Ossian Edström

I prefer the second panel. It does look like the cutiefly is pointing at it but that's good it draws the eye to the focus point of the piece. You pay less attention to it and the background in general in the third as there's less there but it also doesn't draw focus to the center quite as much and the cutiefly looks a little out of place. I think having the palm tree there fills out the scene in a better way than the 3rd. So yeah 1 or 2 with a preference for 2.