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I've been working on a few horse fakemons, because my little horse-loving heart cannot take the lack of horse pokemon
And also WHY are all the fully evolved equine-pokemon either ANGRY or depressed??
Naa man, we need some HAPPY-looking horses in here :D

BONUS POINTS if you know which horse breeds I based these two on B)

ALSO QUICK NOTE: I will be offline for a couple of days due to a gastritis I caught. It was caused by a lot of stress I was recently under, but not because of patreon, don't worry :D I just need a bit of time to calm down, relax and let it heal.

I'll see you guys soon! 




alias I-have-no-idea-how-to-say-that-horse ;3

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

Oooh there could even be a baby pokemon that is a shetland pony!

Eleanor Bick

AWWW that sounds ADORABLE :D Shetland ponies could definitely be turned into a cute chubby pokemon!