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I filled 3 FREAKING PAGES of my sketchbook yesterday, this is one of them :D
I think working on the next update will be a delight because my speed for drawing ANIMALS is like no other - it's insane how quickly I can draw a Pokemon like Dusk or Sweets compared to a human :'D And I guess it'll always stay that way but that's okay! I'm still proud of the progress I made over the years when it comes to sketching humans...

BUT YES, have some Sweets and Dusks :D I drew Sweets in the same position twice because I wasn't quite happy with my first attempt. Dusk covering his head is probably my favorite sketch of the ones I made of him yesterday



Random Jam

I love the contrast of dusk being super expressive while having not many facial features while sweets in all of them is like :} no thoughts head empty


Best birb and best sassy sword