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And by GOD what a tournament it was...

42 Challengers
68 matches in total

How many times did I lose? Well, to my own surprise I ended up holding my ground pretty well, even though the first two weeks were INCREDIBLY stressful for me and you guys gave me HELL FOR SURE...

But overall, final results:
EL: 50 wins
COMMUNITY: 18 wins

But here are ALL OUR TOURNAMENT WINNERS in alphabetical order:

✨⭐✨🏆 WINNERS: 🏆✨⭐✨

  • alliecat 🏅

  • BlackGlurak 🏅

  • Clara 🏅

  • Emi 🏅🏅

  • FlamingJackHD 🏅

  • Glow 🏅

  • Gojira 🏅

  • Murloc 🏅

  • Rosa / Revalentine 🏅

  • Shadic 🏅🏅

  • ShadowHex 🏅

  • Sparx 🏅

  • Warm Lillie 🏅

  • Wolf227 🏅

  • Verandert 🏅

  • Vrok 🏅

(Number of medals show the amount of wins each player achieved)

Do we have any footage of the battles of the tournament?
WELL... I saved battle videos of nearly every single match I had, but unfortunately I am unable to share them for now. During the tournament my dear Patrons helped me to hack my 3DS in hopes of being able to record said videos on PC, but wireless recording is only possible for the NEW 3DS and 2DS, I have an old one however. And getting my 3DS equipped with a capture card would cost me over 200€ and right now it doesn't really feel right to me to invest such a huge sum into the 3DS, as much as I'd love to share a compilation of all the battles we had 😬😭

BUT before the servers shut down, my dear Patron JStar surprised me by recording 6 battles I had made public through Pokemon USUMs online function, so at least a handfull of videos are available for now :'D

You can view them here!

With a lot of challengers I had at least ONE rematch and I'm BOTH proud of those who managed to beat me on their second or third match AND proud of the matches I managed to win or improved on in performance against the competitive beasts on our server :'D

There were definitely some favorites among the Alolan Pokemon I had to face in A LOT of battles and you all annoyed me with Stealth Rock so much that I ended up teaching Lumion DEFOG JUST TO SHUT YOU UP WITH YOUR HAZARD MOVES
But we also had some interesting unique teams with less popular Pokemon and Mono type teams of types such as Dark, Psychic and Steel that were a hard nut to crack (or not to crack...)

All in all, this Tournament was AMAZING, I'm happy it made us as a community grow closer together and it also made me grow even fonder of the Pokemon that have been accompanying me in my playthrough for years and have become such a vital part of my Webcomic and animations I publish on Youtube. We had SO MANY incredibly memorable moments in battle that made you question if those pixels on your screen may actually have grown a consciousness thanks to your love for them...

Sweets especially was a BEAST in battle and the amount of times she made her opponents FLINCH with Air slash was absolute utter bullshit, I CAN'T believe how many times she made use of her Quick Claw and defeated opponents that had super effective moves against her but just couldn't get her out of the game...

When our tournament began, EVERYONE had prepared a strategy to counter DUSK, but by the end of the Tournament most people feared Sweets, Lumion or Latias INSTEAD and I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS TURN OF EVENTS HEHEHE...
So after 4 weeks of intense battling to celebrate the end of an era, all that's left to say is


And especially those who decided to stay after their free trial ended, it really means a lot to me how many of you enjoyed being part of my community and decided to fully support me on Patreon!!
A SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT goes to all of you that stayed till the VERY END when the servers went down on Monday and I stayed up till 2 am Tuesday morning to trade as many Pokemon as possible and also had 4 more final battles.
I CAN'T thank you all enough for how special that evening was, we were all panicking like crazy over getting our trade evolutions last minute and getting REALLY EMOTIONAL about time running out...and at the very end, I still managed to trade with FlamingJackHD, who unbeknownst to me had prepared a special gift as a thank you for hosting this tournament and bringing us all together: 4 SHINIES he had painstakenly caught and bred in less than a month, trying to get a mirrored version of my team as shinies together:
A shiny female Joltik (Azula), shiny Oricorio (Bitters), a male shiny Finneon (Dimion) AND a female shiny Honedge called Dawn.

Dawn being the final Pokemon to cross over as the clock hit 1 am (supposed server shutdown) was more than poetic...not to mention the fact we had a Solar Eclipse on the day Sun and Moon's era would supposedly end in a way.
...And then the servers KEPT RUNNING and WE TRADED EVEN MORE
Yeah it took another good hour until the servers were actually all turned off. So in the end I challenged Jack to one last Double Battle, despite me barely being able to keep my eyes open, but we had only done Single Battles when Doubles were actually my favorite format.
He ended up winning and after him being one of my first challengers when the tournament opened up for the public, that was honestly the best way to end the tournament :D

Overall, thank you to EVERYONE who traded Pokemon with me, I got so many special ones or your personal favs bred and gifted to me and it really means a lot!! I put them all in a special box ;w;

Everyone who wanted one had also gotten a Joltik from me named "Nugget" with Compound Eyes as a participation price! I thought it'd be really fun to gift a Pokemon from the comics out as a gimmick to everyone who participated :D I hope you all will take good care of your little Nugget! 😊💝

All in all, this was a community event that I'll NEVER forget and I'm not sure if we'll ever have something the like again at this level of intensity :'D But that's okay! There are things in life you simply can't repeat and relive again and that's what makes them so special!
We have discussed the possibility of doing another Pokemon Tournament on the switch in the future, but for now I am ALL BATTLED OUT for the forseeable future, especially since I don't have any teams prepared on neither Shield nor Scarlet xD It makes me very happy to see though that our trainers are still continuing to challenge each other to new battles on the switch! It's great that we have an active little Pokemon community now where people regularly battle and trade!

And I'll definitely open the doors to our server with Free Trials once more in the future! Weither it be for a tournament or another event, maybe for an Anniversary or my own birthday or maybe we'll do a drawing contest one day!

Either way, thank you all for being a part of this special event, thank you for your support, thanks for READING till the very end and I'll see you all soon with new art (both fanart and original work) and of course new comics for El's Alolan Adventures! :D

~Eleanor 😊💖💕





I had so much fun battling you even though I lost twice! It was a fun ride till the end, rest in peace 3DS😭🥹


Glad you enjoyed it boss. I had a lot of fun too EDIT: I just noticed that our first battle was saved OH MY GOD I'm so sorry El xD


Sad to say goodbye to the 3DS console but I guess it would happen sooner or later, just wished it wasn't this soon. Well I transferred my Pokémon from Alola to Pokémon Home, mostly the ones with Hidden Abilities. Wondering if I should use them in my adventures in Galar and Paldea, especially the Alolan forms of Kanto Pokémon. Time will only tell.

Warm Lillie

Thank you so much for allowing me to join the tournament. I was so scared but I managed to barely to beat you in the end.


I'm saddened that I never got to battle you, but- I play as my OC, Amii, and she DESPISES battling, so I felt like I would have been going against her ways, by challenging you.