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Latest news:

1. I almost recovered, well, how almost, at least I can hold the mouse normally in my right hand and do something lol, I thought that the stitches would be removed on Thursday, but I would have to wait until Monday, maybe tomorrow they will be removed.

2. While I was on "vacation", let's say, I re-ran the mass effect trilogy, and most likely I will partially return to this universe. Now I want to make 3-4 key characters that I will use: fem Shepard ofc, EDI, Samara/Morinth.

I adore Samara for her character, so I don’t want to make a full-fledged "porn actress" out of her. Perhaps if only occasionally, mostly will do pinups with her and something like that, but I will try to fully reveal the "potential" of Morinth, I think it will be interesting to pair them with my original character Gina :D

Perhaps I will add other characters, such as Tali, Nyreen and other alien girls, but for this it will be necessary to create their anatomically correct alien bodies, in general there are a lot of ideas. I'll start by porting the assets from the game in order to collect several basic locations from them.



Bim Skeeble

Welcome back, beautiful work ❤


Ooh nice, welcome back, gonna be seeing some nice things in the future eh, can't wait to see EDI especially. I made my own Female Shepard the other week aswell, had to make her THICC, turned out great, but now Shizzy's on for making her, we in for some good stuff.

Draven Shadow

So glad your doing better and don't rush things. Let your body heal in it's proper time so you know when it's done you'll be 110% again. As for the rest sounds like a great plan to me. Always up for more gorgeous women!😍😍 One thing though...isn't Jack from that universe or am I mixing? If she is I think that she would look awesome too. Just a thought.😁


I like Jack, but to make her model, not even so much the model as the texture, it will take a lot of time. I will need to redraw all her tattoos and scars by hand to my textures, so Jack is in the plans, but at the very end.