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...Mileena gently ran her hands through Sindel's hair and folded them together at the back of her head. Sindel smiled and showed approvingly with her eyes that she understood how Mileena wanted to finish, leaned forward, putting her hands behind her back and straightening her neck, prepared herself...

...Sindel said to herself - I did not expect anything less from you, daughter, I am proud of you, do it so that I walk for 2 more days and feel you inside me...

...Mileena began to warm up Sindel with slow movements for a couple of minutes, putting her cock only before entering the throat, so that Mom was comfortable until thick saliva began to stand out for lubrication...

...Sindel opened her mouth a little, dropped a few drops of thick saliva, thereby showing that she was ready for real action...

...Mileena, seeing this, realized that she and Sindel instantly understand each other without words and began to gradually introduce the cock into Sindel's throat up to the balls, also gradually increasing the pace.

...Surprisingly for Mileena, Sindel does not experience any problems with gag reflexes. After all, she has lived for many thousands of years and gained very much experience in many aspects, including ability to turn off the gag reflex throughout the entire throat...

...But because of the large diameter of Mileena's cock, Sindel could not relax for a minute...

...Convinced of Sindel's experience and gaining full confidence in her, Mileena stopped restraining herself and just started to fuck Sindel's throat harder than Tanya's ass, so that atonal throat sobs and slaps of Sindel's face on Mileena's pubis were clearly audible outside the door, in the palace corridors and even in inner yards...

...This lasted for about 15 minutes, Sindel lost consciousness several times, sometimes from suffocation, sometimes from overloads due to the constantly increasing pace of Mileena and numerous blows of her head on her pubis, Sindel regained consciousness and could partially breathe in only when Mileena slowed down her pace for 15-20 seconds to catch her breath, due to the fact that she was tired, after a break everything started over again with even more assertiveness...

...And after the last break, Sindel, coming to her senses felt even stronger pulsations and an increase in the volume of Mileena's cock, the pace slowed down greatly, and the force of the frictions was as hard as possible, Mileena planted Sindel's throat for the last hardest time and then released her head, but Sindel, being in a semi-blindness and accustomed to non-stop fucking, unconsciously still continued fuck herself by Mileena's cock in the same strength for another 15-20 seconds, gradually slowing down and then stopped in half a meter from Mileena's cock...  

...Due to prolonged fucking and a semi-unconscious state, Sindel's mouth was wide open, and her throat was still stretched for a while. Mileena could not restrain herself and wait Sindel's wakeup, and began to cum profusely. Everything that got into Sindel's mouth immediately flowed down the wide open throat inside, until the esophagus was completely filled with sperm, But Mileena's ejaculation did not stop, she completely filled Sindel's throat and mouth, so that the sperm began to flow out, by this time Sindel had already regained consciousness and swallowed most of the precious nectar of his beloved daughter, so as not to accidentally spill any drop...   [4 RENDER]

...By the end of Mileena's ejaculation, Sindel had already fully regained consciousness, but could not say a word, as she was dizzy and needed to catch her breath. Mileena, seeing that some of the sperm begins to drain down her face and onto her neck, did not wait for her nectar to spill and helped Sindel to collect the rest of the sperm that did not fit in the mom's mouth...   
[5-6 RENDER]

...After finishing, they both lay in silence and rested, Sindel slowly regained consciousness, and Mileena slowly cooled down her body temperature, after the longest and most intense sex in her life...

Sindel: ...            ...                ...         ...             wow              ...           ...

Mileena:              ...              ...                    ...                   ...               wow               ...

Sindel: Am I still not myself, or are you so hot that we can even fry eggs on your stomach? I can feel the heat from your body, lying near with you...

Mileena: Still would I'm on fire, I have a wild pulse. I thought I would explode at the end, as I almost fainted myself from an emotional explosion.

...After rested, they once again went to the sauna to freshen up, but then decided to skip lunch, since both were full, at least until the evening...

The end! :D



Bim Skeeble

Oh wow 🔥🔥🔥


Woah I didn’t know Christmas came early!

Ted Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 21:18:00 Dang. More Mileena kissing and licking please. <3
2021-04-10 05:22:20 Dang. More Mileena kissing and licking please. <3

Dang. More Mileena kissing and licking please. <3