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Hello. Here is a little sad news, but not really sad)

Today I took 1 3090 video card to the technical center, which I bought the very first, it turned out to be with a factory defect, and the last few works stopped working normally at all. This means that at least I have only 1 card left, because of which the time for each job will increase, if not twice, then it is significant, and this means that the works will come out a little less often.

No one will tell the exact time when the video card will be replaced, since it will take at least 2-3 weeks to diagnose and confirm the defect, and also the video card market is still dead because of covid and fucking miners. According to this, whole story may well stretch for 6 months+, it will be lucky if everything is decided at least in half the time.

But on the other hand, I did not use the potential of two video cards by 100%, but somewhere only by 60%, so after replacing I will be able to use both video cards by 100% and the pre-renderer and final render times will decrease significantly) 



No worries, my dude!

tormentor 666

Think of it as vacation


Well, unfortunately things like that happen, which is really sad. It will be good if everything is resolved in less than 6 months.