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Hey, It seems that all the main work with the model is finished, the face rig is completed. It remains to make a few fixes on textures, as well as add the genitals, but taking into account the physiology of the D'Vorah, she will have only one hole for which there is an ideal place)



The Lewd Entity

No way! No freaking way! Thank you for give her a chance :)


It looks nice so far. Personally I like how she looked in MKX than 11 since imo really pretty in MKX, but I’m looking forward to see what you will do 👌


Not bad 😉 looking good

Fish Sauce

Oh wow this looks Awesome!



dakota m baker

Out of all of the characters, d'evorah scares me the most due to the fact she can give you a kiss that leaves behind parasites.

Bill Patrick Johnson

So when are we supposed to get her. Ive been waiting on some bug lady puss for far to long now


I made a basic model and this render to check if I still want to do something with her or not. The desire did not appear. Therefore, there will be no D'vorah.


Any update for our lovely bug?