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I wanted to take an opportunity to thank all of you, my patrons, for your support over the last couple years. I was a bit skeptical of Patreon at first, but I'm glad I gave it a shot; you all have allowed me a level of security and personal satisfaction that I wouldn't have thought possible as little as five years ago. You've helped me pay bills, buy health insurance, and cover the rent; you've allowed me to visit my family several states and hundreds of miles away; you've helped me develop my skills and challenge my ability as an artist; you've even provided some companionship and friendly conversation during our monthly talkbacks. 

In short, Patrons: you've been great. And I am extremely grateful that you've opted to take this journey with me so far. I hope the coming year brings you all health and happiness and no small amount of satisfaction.
Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year.



Randal Eaglebauer

Merry Xmas! Glad you're doing alright.