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So, I mentioned a few posts ago that I was going to be looking at changing the rewards for $10 patrons. There were a couple reasons for this:

1. I can't keep up with requests. Between my day job, various comic projects and the illustrations/pics I'm more invested in doing, there's always going to be more requests each month than I have time to do. Which sucks, because...

2. I want ALL my $10 patrons to get an equal benefit from their pledge. I hate to think that some of my donors aren't getting enough value out of their pledge, and I want to be as fair as possible to everyone. 

3. By dropping the requests, I can keep tighter control over the type of content that appears on this page. This is especially important since I've already had one suspension of my page due to content.  

So, the question became this: How do I give my patrons a real, and fair, way to contribute to the content produced on this page without leaving it open to potential violations of Patreon's TOS?

Here's my answer:
Story/comic Polls. 

Like the polls at the $3 level, patrons get a chance to vote on what I should draw. However, whereas I keep the $3 polls intentionally vague (often incorporating small jokes for myself), the Comic Polls would be much more transparent. I'd be asking questions like "Which of these three characters would you like to star in a short comic?" or "Which of these two story ideas should I work on next?" Much more specific, much more opportunity to take an active role in deciding what shows up on the page but without sacrificing control. I'm still driving the car, but you guys get to suggest the route (if that makes any sense). 

I think I'd also like to make full res or .pdf files of those comics available to $10 patrons as well. 

So! That's what I've got so far. Let me know what you think by commenting below.




As long as you think you can keep the comic coherently plotted with user input on story polls, I'd be all in favor of that.


I was a $10 patron for most of last year, but fell off in January (I think) for money reasons. On the topic of rewards, I did and still do not care much for the requests because single pictures do not speak to me, so I do not care much for the loss of them. In contrast, I am all in favor of you doing comics seeing that I enjoy them considerably more (not just CS). As long as doing them does not get in the way of finishing CS too much. (On a side note, I am considering pledging $10 again some time, so I am not just giving my two cents on a subject that does not concern me.)

Nikolai Mirovich

Hm. Out of curiosity, is all of CS plotted out? Do you have an ending in mind/how long do you think it's gonna go for?