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Was in (and driving to from) L.A. for a screening most of the afternoon/evening, so will just quickly note that Taxi Driver was defeated again in this week's request poll—this time, improbably (and narrowly, 52-48), by The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh, a film I may or may not have seen at age nine during its original theatrical run. (Don't remember, if so; having gone to Star Wars and CE3K that year, I might have considered myself too old for such baby stuff.) I perhaps should have noted, before everyone voted, that I bailed on the critically acclaimed WtP picture released a dozen years ago, writing this on my blog: 

Scandalous, I know. It's totally fine for what it is, but what it is, unmistakably, is a kid's movie. By which I mean, it's pitched 98% to pre-adolescents. If I had small children, which we should all be supremely thankful is not the case, I'd be thrilled that a gentle, warmly inviting movie like this is out there in theaters for them. But there's really nothing in it for me; unlike Pixar movies, or even like the vast majority of other tot-targeted studio films these days, it's not operating simultaneously on two levels, with plenty of material expressly designed to appeal to folks well past puberty. I felt a little silly watching as much as I did, to be perfectly honest.

I fear that you may be getting a longer version of that paragraph in the near future. But we shall see! 





Pooh requester here: for what it's worth, I think the 1977 film is far, far superior to the 2011 one (though I'll concede there's likely some bias from the fact that I grew up with one of them and not the other.) But even if you don't care for the film, I still feel my request was worth it solely for how hard I laughed when I saw yesterday's head-to-head poll appear in my email, hahaha.