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It took a surprisingly long time—34 weeks as a poll option in what looks like at least half a dozen different stretches spanning several years, having been requested by at least two different people, possibly several—but y'all have selected The Wizard of Oz, a strong candidate for the title of Most Famous Fucking Movie Ever Made, as the next item for me to watch and review by collective fiat. I believe that I have not seen this picture since sometime in the '80s, possibly the mid-'80s, like '84, '85. Honestly have no idea what my opinion will now be, though I don't expect to actively dislike it. Obviously accessible everywhere (though "Max" is its current primary streaming home; I still can't stop thinking of Tony Roberts' character calling Alvy "Max"), plus you've already seen it a zillion times. 

This week's nerd-group flashback is missing some context—concerns Divertimento, which I'd then just deleted from my master list—but you'll get the gist. Self-awareness! 



Since Mike's mentioned it twice: does The Wizard of Oz have the same place in the zeitgeist that it had, say, thirty years ago? When I was a kid, it was *the* kids' movie that also had stuff adults could enjoy. It was to "family" movies what Casablanca was to movies for adults, what It's A Wonderful Life was to Christmas - an institution. But I've seen now generations of nieces and nephews for whom it's simply not a thing. If they want to watch a movie, it's "Despicable Me". If their parents make them watch an "old" movie, it's "E.T." Mostly they just play on their phones. Am I from a family of next-level philistines? Is this movie still a thing?


I think some older Gen-Zers still watched it (myself included, though who knows how long ago), but probably not nowadays. I'd say, now, it's mostly Disney or whatever new animated schlock is out on Netflix.


I suspect that Return to Oz and Wicked has kept the noise up a little


Can confirm, was at a friend’s house last weekend and his 9 year old daughter and friends had just seen Wicked, and we’re now super pumped to watch Wizard of Oz.