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My patrons want me to watch The Letter.

Bit of an upset in this week's request poll, with all-timer Badlands receiving only 45% of the vote vs. what's now our fifth Wyler winner (following The Best Years of Our Lives in August 2021, The Big Country in May 2022, Dodsworth in November 2022, and Counsellor at Law a mere five weeks ago). This is one I've never seen and know little about apart from "stars Bette Davis." Hopefully it's yet another corker. Available to rent in a digital fashion from the usuals.

NOTE: I'm gonna do July's mid-month random drawing next week, since (a) it's not the 15th yet and (b) I'd like to watch one or two more auto-qualifiers first. I Walked With a Zombie has just been revisited and re-loved; review forthcoming.

This week's nerd group flashback (which I believe refers to people complaining that my annual reports from Cannes regularly trashed films that would be hailed as masterpieces four months later): 



I guess this is as good a place as any to bring this up but I'm looking forward to your seeing and reviewing the Irish film LOLA, which is scheduled for US theatrical/VOD release on August 4. Watched it twice this week (its 79-minute run time helps in that regard) and thought it was one of the more imaginative and clever films of its type (and the original songs from The Divine Comedy's Neil Hannon should win an Oscar, even though they never will due to their content, not to mention the film's likely obscurity). What Andrew Legge pulled off here in terms of the vintage equipment he used and the editing involved really was a singular achievement.