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Apologies for the relative silence—I’m still at my dad’s (Saturday was his birthday; I often stick around through the 4th), and it seems that my 2011 MacBook (inherited from said dad), which is permanently trapped in High Sierra (six Mac operating systems ago), can no longer render Patreon’s site properly. I just get a blank screen with the Patreon logo in one corner. Managed to find a chunk of time the other day to write briefly about Asteroid City, but Dad’s PC is in a high-traffic area and to get much done I basically need everyone else to leave the house for a while. I’m heading home tomorrow and will catch up then. Gonna suspend the request poll for this week, as I’m days away from writing up last week’s winner (though I rewatched Silence of the Lambs last night and will tease that my 46/100 rating will be going up by a non-trivial amount). Those of you in the U.S., try not to get blown up tonight.


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