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In a fairly stunning upset (even if I predicted that it might happen—honestly, still expected it to go like 68-32 the other way), German silent The Adventures of Prince Achmed squeaked out a 51-49 victory over pop classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind, in the first heads-up win for a film I've never seen since Ghostwatch a month ago. Don't know a thing about it (though I gather from stills that it's animated), nor much of anything about director Lotte Reiniger. And that's always exciting. Streaming on the Criterion Channel, Kanopy, and Ovid.

Five more fucking days until I get this cast off my arm. (Still have to wear a brace for two weeks after that, but at least I'll be able to remove it in the shower and when I'm sleeping.) 



Worth noting that Prince Achmed is historically significant for being the very oldest (surviving) animated feature film!


Pleasantly surprised. Achmed was my pick. I thought I may need to go the full 52 weeks, although I was hopeful since it has been on Criterion and was restored etc etc. And aren’t you interested in history of animation? Good pick everyone! Thanks!


And once again, Close Encounters loses by a tiny margin to a much less famous movie.