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For those who may not have seen the previous report, which came at the end of last week’s post noting which film won the request poll: I fell on Wednesday and broke my right wrist (distal radius fracture). Happy to now report, live from the orthopedist’s (where I’m currently waiting on final just-to-be-sure x-rays), that recovery will be neither as lengthy nor as arduous as I’d feared. They’ve removed the long arm splint I got at the ER and replaced it with a short arm cast, which is way more comfortable; it also provides enough finger mobility that I should be able to type with both hands again, though we’ll see whether or not that’s still painful. And this thing will be off in just two weeks, followed by two weeks in a removable wrist brace. All in all, I should be mostly back to normal a month from now, which is much sooner than I imagined.

Nonetheless, I do not recommend falling and breaking a bone in your dominant arm. Half a star.




C’mon, what’s the numerical grade?


May your recovery be quick and painless!