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I am mightily surprised that 53% of voters went for Ghostwatch rather than The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. I do not know what Ghostwatch is. I had literally never heard of Ghostwatch before it showed up in the poll. I have been instructed not to learn anything about Ghostwatch prior to watching it this weekend. I will report back in due course regarding Ghostwatch. 



Ghostwatch?!? Oh hell yes, my thanks to whoever submitted it to the poll!


Personally, I voted for Ghostwatch because I was 99% positive The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance would be back next week, and I wasn't sure about Ghostwatch. Very excited to see what a blind viewer thinks of it.


GHOSTWATCH was one of my favorite new discoveries last year. Very curious to read Mike’s review of it. Thanks for submitting it Jake, you put it up right when I was going to.


I got to see GHOSTWATCH blind and it was one *hell* of a rollercoaster. Actually have no idea what Mike will think of it, but definitely read up on it afterwards.