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Poor Clifford. That's twice it's made it to heads-up in the request poll, only to get trounced—first by the seasonally privileged Muppet Christmas Carol, this time by California Split (in its first and now only appearance), which received 64% of the vote. Been more than 20 years since my sole viewing, which was of a 35mm print at a NYC rep house; this time I'll need to track down the most complete extant version, which may or may not be the one currently streaming on Amazon Prime. (I've seen reports that it's complete but in the wrong aspect ratio, apart from the opening credits. Not subscribed presently so I haven't yet been able to confirm.) Certainly the DVD is a catastrophe. 

Apologies to whoever once requested Napoleon, but I'm gonna push that one back a bit further, until after the Skandies deadline (first week of February). This is just a bad time of year for me to fit in a five-hour movie, as I've got a ticking clock on literally several dozen films that I want to sample, watch or rewatch. But I will get to it next month, without fail. 



Just checked Amazon Prime, skimmed around, and it stays in 2.35:1.


Good news, thanks. Must’ve been an error that got corrected.


I can second the confirmation: I rented it on Prime a couple months ago and it was in the correct AR of 2.35:1 with the original music cues. According to a commenter at Amazon, however, the digital version available to *buy* is in fact the cropped version (or at least it was when they posted the comment in October 2020).