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We came pretty close to seeing our first tied tiebreaker (in which eventuality I've decided that I'll just flip a coin), but Bluebeard's Eighth Wife picked up an additional vote or two toward the end to claim 51%, leaving Gentlemen Prefer Blondes a bridesmaid for the second consecutive week. I think this qualifies as the most notable Lubitsch that I've still yet to watch, along with maybe The Doll. It's conveniently streaming on the Criterion Channel. The blondes, I suspect, will be back. 

And then this month the pseudo-randomizing algorithm rewarded two of y'all's oldest extant requests. I still don't quite know what Flooding With Love for the Kid is, and had to find a copy via the K-site, but it finally appeared atop the list several years after doing the minimum four weeks. Gance's silent Napoleon, which had a healthy 30-week run, dates back even further—so far, in fact, that many of its entries on my master list had become consecutive (because I've already watched/reviewed all of the many films that once separated them). That one's also hard to find online at present, though it's, y'know, out there. I saw it projected at NYU in 1995, can't recall which cut/version that was, though I don't recall sitting there for 5+ hours. Between that epic length, the holidays, and pre-Skandies catchup (which looks like it's gonna potentially involve quite a few films this year), I might not get to it until mid-January-ish. But it's in the queue!

As always, my deepest and most sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for subsidizing what remains of my career. May whichever holiday(s) you celebrate be merry, happy, joyful, or whatever other adjective might apply. 




I've seen FLOODING WITH LOVE FOR THE KID, and I also have no idea what it is. I'm very interested to see what you'll make of it!

Steven Carlson

As the initial requester for FLOODING WITH LOVE..., I'm very curious to see your take on it. I think it's extraordinary, and I can also see it being the sort of thing to which you're allergic.


Great request. Glad it won. I would guess a pretty low score on the way…


I honestly don't know what I think of it - I find something absolutely captivating about it, and yet I think that much of Mike's review of TRASH HUMPERS would also apply to it.


Also back to back vote wins for me! Next week, I’ll return to nominating a 52 weeker…I think…


Oh, the old “there’s no way to do this badly therefore there is no risk therefore it is junk” argument. Look forward to relitigating that!


I'm not necessarily arguing that - I'm not particularly knowledgeable about filmmaking, just some guy who likes movies and doesn't have the evaluative skills to even *know* whether there's a difference between a "good" and a "bad" version of FLOODING WITH LOVE FOR THE KID, or, if so, which one we got. But I do absolutely think that argument is out there to be made with anything that leads with its concept as much as FLOODING does, and I'll be interested to see if Mike makes it.


As someone who's seen a *lot* of terrible films (particularly in an amateur context), I guarantee that, poverty of resources not withstanding, you could give 100 amateur filmmakers the brief for FLOODING WITH LOVE ... and most of them would be unwatchable. Whether Mike likes it regardless is a separate question (I'm betting no), but Oberzan ain't Wiseau, and most definitely ain't Korine.