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Yes, I hear it, emerging from the 47% of voters who wanted me to watch and review Herzog's Nosferatu the Vampyre this week. Unfortunately for them, 53% plumped for Joe Dante's werewolf movie—the only one of his solo-directed early films (pre-Small Soldiers, not counting his segment of Amazon Women on the Moon; plus I threw in "solo-directed" to exempt Hollywood Boulevard) that I've never seen. I have no explanation for this, really—was maybe a bit too young in '81, but I caught up with American Werewolf in London decades ago, not sure why The Howling was never a priority. So thanks for the nudge. It's streaming on AMC+, but I don't currently subscribe; rentable via Amazon, but only in standard def. Arrrr. 



Awooooo! I got to rewatch this in a local theater last year, and confirmed that I much prefer it to American Werewolf, which I think is a minority opinion. Also, Ebert’s review of The Howling is bonkers.