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Tip of the cap to those of you who can Chris Evans that reference (and that reference). Targets was beaten by They All Laughed in a recent Bogdanovich-off, but Hard Target won a solid victory this week vs. Seven Men From Now, taking 56% of the vote. Not sure how much of a Woo fan I was back in 1993—checking my logs, I seem to have only seen The Killer at that point—and since reviews for his first English-language effort weren't exactly stellar, and Van Damme didn't seem like my thing, I opted to pass. Happy to take a look now, though I hope it's more Face/Off than Broken Arrow. (Or Windtalkers. Or Paycheck. I'd settle for Mission: Impossible 2.) Rentable from the usual suspects.



I understood that reference! And the full film is on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4IaB-eB6lQ


(How one links in Patreon comments, I have no idea. HTML doesn't seem to work.)