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That's me, now prepped for a second look at Miracle Mile, which positively trounced its two opponents in this week's poll (after having previously been positively trounced itself). Haven't seen it since its original theatrical run and can barely recall the basic premise, much less any details. I think I liked but didn't love it at the time? This is why I rate everything now. Looks like it can be rented via Apple TV. 

(Sorry to be sending this out so late, but I was watching Annette when the poll ended and then had other errands and whatnot to run. Review coming soon, though I'm still not entirely sure what I think, a few hours later. Oh, and I forgot to note that my annual Skandies post mortem is now up on the blog, for those of you who love stats.) 



On your blog you note that you don't know of a good source which tracks streaming releases. I refer often to this site on Metacritic which does just that. I find it very useful, and their editorial asides are often quite funny. If you haven't seen it before I hope you find it helpful. https://www.metacritic.com/feature/tv-premiere-dates


See, that’s way too much info. I don’t want to know when the next Ted Lasso episode drops. Looking for something that’s film-centric (even allowing for how that line is increasingly blurring). Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Letterboxd itself has a pretty reliable streaming tracking, no? I think you gotta add all the services you want to show up but it's my go to when I need to find where a movie is streaming.


I don’t think you understand what I’m looking for. Not “where is this movie streaming?” I need a comprehensive weekly rundown of films that have never previously been released in the U.S. I wouldn’t be looking up titles (I don’t know what they are; if I did, I wouldn’t need this), and I don’t want a list that includes a zillion older films and TV shows that have just been licensed by the platform (which is what you get from WatchThis and sites of that ilk). I don’t even want stuff that opened theatrically two months ago in there, because then I’d have to double-check every title I don’t specifically remember to make sure it’s not a repeat (for my purposes). It’s such a specific need that there’s really no reason for anyone but me to create it, which is why it likely doesn’t exist.


Re: streaming releases, have you seen the list at Taipei Mansions, patterned after your own theatrical release lists? https://taipeimansions.com/2021/01/01/2021-virtual-commercial-releases/ There may be some overlap with theatrical releases, though.


I had not seen that and it’s pretty much exactly what I seek. Only problem is that I have no way to confirm its accuracy (by which I mean know whether Ryan’s unaware of some platform). That’s kind of an existential issue since the Internet is limitless. But this is a start, at least, so thanks.