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Very nearly had another tie this week, but Rushmore, in its first (and last) week, received one more vote than did repeating non-champion Thunder Road. Surprised the race was so close, frankly—this is one of those movies that I knew would win as soon as it was requested, being among the most popular recent-ish films that I happen not to have written much about. (It screened very late at NYFF '98 and I just never got around to it.) I've seen it four times previously, but not since 2004, when I revisited Anderson's first three films as prep for an Esquire column about The Life Aquatic. That's really too long of a break. 



Woohoo, after nearly a year without any of my requests winning, I get two back-to-back! Admittedly I feel a bit bad for defeating Thunder Road twice in a row. I've never seen it, but since I hate seeing films lose the head-to-head repeatedly, I will give it my vote next week if it's still in contention!


I mean, you requested <i>Rushmore</i>. (Then again, nobody else had thought to.)


Honestly I didn't expect it to win so fast, considering that you've already given it a rating. After all, Blade Runner was also requested before, but failed to win. (Though of course, your rating for Rushmore is a lot higher, which probably made it more enticing)


Do you have a link for that Esquire column?


It’s behind a paywall; you’d need to be a subscriber. At some point I’ll dig up my original drafts and stick them on Letterboxd.


Would there be any money in it for you if I paid to see it now, or should I just wait for the letterboxd version?


Ha, I wish writers got repeatedly paid for articles. Will make a point of trying to find that particular one soon.


I thought as much. Not a big fan of Esquire, so I'll save my money. But I am a big fan of how your writing is an almost daily highlight for me in these Corona times, even if our tastes in movies skew differently. Thank you for the many, many hours of entertainment, and the recommendations.


Rune: To wet your whistle if you haven't read this one already - https://ew.com/article/1999/06/22/rushmore/


Huh. That’s an unusually long piece; they didn’t often give me more than 100 words. I might have nixed this as a request had I known. Then again, it’s kinda magazine bland.