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Let me put it another way: Does anyone want to argue that I should watch either the theatrical cut or the so-called Director's Cut instead? Since the main roadblack to adapting Watchmen was always that it's way too dense for a single feature-length film, I'm leaning toward the longest version (which apparently includes stuff like Tales of the Black Freighter). Ah, for the days when every studio picture didn't have multiple variants. 



Whatever you want to watch, man.


Go with the DC for this


Mike- have you seen the TV series? This’ll feel even more irrelevant if you have.


The main roadblock was Snyder's lack of talent. It won't matter which you watch.


Director's cut.


Director’s cut


Director's cut is the only version I've seen, after it was the cut recommended to me by friends. My wife, who is a big fan of the graphic novel, was very disappointed by one particular aspect of the film.


Snyder himself prefers the Director's Cut: https://thisorthatedition.com/watchmen-2009/


Rarely have I seen such consensus. The Director's Cut it is. And yes, I watched Lindelof's series, which I enjoyed in pretty much the same way that I enjoyed Lost, i.e. as a bunch of magnificent WTF moments that don't ultimately add up to all that much. (Also kinda how I feel about S3 of Twin Peaks, to be honest.)


I guess I’m alone here but I found the director’s cut almost laughably bad in terms of pacing in comparison with the theatrical. (Which wasn’t too great to begin with.)