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Supposedly all you need, and Ms. 45—which, as I expected, decisively beat out The President's Analyst—presumably offers both in a single package. It had been requested once previously, then withdrawn after a single week; my recent viewing of Ferrara's Tommaso inspired someone not in the $10 tier to request a request, which was promptly fulfilled and instantly proved victorious. Not bad. And will plug a significant hole for me. 

In November's random drawing, Scream trundles in a tad late for the Halloween rush, followed by fellow former request The End of Evangelion. My review of the latter, as I noted back when the title was first suggested, will be months in the future, as I first feel obligated to watch all of the TV episodes that preceded it (and don't intend to watch more than one per week). So look for that around May, by which time we'll hopefully be in a very different place than we are at present, health-wise and otherwise.

(Ms. 45 is streaming on Hoopla—via my library, at least. Scream can be rented from the usual suspects. Everything Evangelion-related appears to be on U.S. Netflix.)

As always, I lack the words to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your support, which has kept me afloat throughout this daunting year. That paltry sentence will have to do. But know that I consider myself very fortunate. Thanks, y'all.




I was actually going to put MS 45 back in this week but Jake beat me to it. Very happy to see it win.


For the Evangelion series, I'd recommend "obtaining" it somewhere not on Netflix, as the series' subtitles were changed for the worse on Netflix. (They also cut "Fly Me To the Moon" from the ending credits). Neither are outright deal-breakers, but still worth keeping in mind. Very curious what you think of the show and movie; don't expect a high score, but it'll still be amusing to see you react to such a touchstone of Millennial/Gen Z culture.


Mike, it's nice to be thanked for the support, but let me just say after subscribing for a while that this is the best deal on Patreon. The volume and quality of your content is outstanding, even if I don't share your tastes. The structure with the weekly nominations and voting is ingenious and it's great fun to follow along. Thanks for all that you do.

Patrick Ripoll

I don't think your opinion on Evangelion or the film will be affected by the changed translation but Netflix is really terrible at translating onscreen text and dialogue at the same time, which makes some of the denser bits of montage play as more confusing than necessary, in a show where exposition can already be plenty confusing, so I'm seconding finding the original version while also agreeing it's not a dealbreaker.


Didn't mean to violate protocol with my MS. 45 request! My apologies, and won't happen again.


Oh that wasn’t meant as a complaint. Just described what happened. All are free to solicit!


Ah, ok! Still, thinking about it for a moment, I believe this would've happened regardless if I said anything. It's MS. 45!


Kent you can have me in your pocket for a cool $5 a month