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I was not under the impression that Jennifer's Body is a film that anybody still cares about—had forgotten its existence, personally—but apparently I was mistaken, as it managed to defeat Shivers in this week's fairly close race. Do some people consider it good, or is this strictly a let's-make-Mike-watch-garbage? deal? I genuinely don't know. Its Crix Pix ratings (among my peers/pals) are 65% con/CON, which doesn't exactly fill me with hope. In any case, it's streaming via Starz and rentable elsewhere. 



I think it’s definitely picked up a bit of a cult following over the past few years, but I don’t think that’s really extended to the critical community as far as I can tell.


I haven't seen it, but there's definitely been people who've been championing it more and more the last couple of years.


I just watched it for the first time a couple of nights ago and really liked it, although it def has flaws. Thought of it more as a bloody teen drama than a horror film.


Yes, it has gained a significant following among horror aficionados. My pal Willow, for example, swears by it.


I also watched it a couple of nights ago. It's a bit of a mess, but I liked it overall. More than I though I would, at least


Yep, total cult following of lovers. I expect <40 grade though.


Yeah, it's not very good.


Definitely not how I thought I'd win my first request. I wanted to mix in something that wasn't straight-up horror, and I had just read something about it. I also thought Mike had enjoyed JUNO, only to look it up after I made the request and found he barely liked it more than YOUNG ADULT. Shrug. I'll probably go back to unreviewed classics that get 3% of the vote.


I really disliked it when I saw it (as did everyone else, I recall) but some of the younger critics have really taken to it and Kusama’s reputation has grown since THE INVITATION and DESTROYER. I’ve been tempted to take another look at it to see if I was wrong on initial release.


A new generation of youth have definitely taken a liking to it, and as mentioned the Kusama rise has brought it back to notice. It's one of my college-age daughter's faves, and I had a good time watching it with her. 🎃


Mike, how many times have you *actually* had to watch garbage for this poll in its two year history? Have a little confidence the people supporting you are operating in good faith