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This week's poll was a blowout...though it occurs to me now that we've never had (and may never have) a result in which the losing candidate didn't receive at least a third or so of the votes. It's never been 88% to 12% or anything. But anyway, while The End of Evangelion made it to the finals immediately, relatively few preferred the prospect of a review six months from now to...what is this, our fourth Scorsese winner? Or is it fifth? I've only seen Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore once, back in 1996, and don't even really remember what I thought of it; it's absent from my top 10 list, but 1974 was a very strong year indeed, so that doesn't indicate much. Looks like it's rentable in HD for $3 from multiple places. 

(Apologies for the slight downtick in other reviews of late—I'm belatedly checking in with New Directors/New Films titles [though I've yet to finish any; Red Moon Tide and Atlantis are both potentially of note, albeit not for me], and have also been using this time to catch up with a bunch of 2018-19 films I've meant to sample at least the first 10 minutes of. But both of those projects should be complete in a week or so.)


Steven Carlson

Saw ALICE for the first time a bit ago. It's fucking great.