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Seen in preparation for Is My Name, obviously. (I plan to watch Human Tornado as well; assume I don't need to bother with the ones that were made decades later.) Laughing at cinematic ineptitude generally isn't my thing, so the panoply of mismatched eyelines, painfully awkward pauses, unmic-ed dialogue, desultory fight scenes, and furtive glances right into the camera lens just reminded me how much I prefer Ed Wood to any of Wood's actual films. Nor did I initially comprehend Rudy Ray Moore's appeal, since he makes a uniquely terrible blaxploitation badass, alternating between bland stoicism and profane eruptions. Both Moore and the film itself suddenly come alive, however, when Dolemite starts signifying for a rapt group of fans in a parking lot; by the time he transforms his old nightclub into a venue for more of the same, it's abundantly clear that all the perfunctory cops 'n' drugs stuff is just a commercially-minded excuse. Since that excuse occupies roughly 85% of Dolemite's running time, I can only cut the movie so much slack—one really has to enjoy the primary narrative's Max Fischer Players aspect a lot more than I do. But just as I have a soft spot for Hudson Hawk (hi again, Daniel!), in which the heists seem motivated less by a desire for wealth than the opportunity they afford to perform synchronized standards, I can't entirely dismiss this stealth paean to African-American verbal dexterity, made only a few years before that would acquire a beat and gradually take over the world. Is that a significant element of the Eddie Murphy tribute? Guess I'll find out.




Have you seen Hudson Hawk recently? Hope you won't be dissapointed


Did you watch THE ROOM as prep for THE DISASTER ARTIST? Is this a thing you do for all film-related biopics?


I haven’t seen <i>The Disaster Artist</i>. But yes, if the film is specifically about the making of an earlier film/films (as opposed to just a general biopic), I’m generally gonna watch the original(s), especially if they’re films I should have under my belt anyway.