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I begin to feel quite bad for supporters of Lupin III, who keep getting the film heads-up and then losing. This week it's to the newly re-requested Batman Returns, which I haven't seen since its original theatrical run. Wasn't a huge fan then, and I've since become friendly with its screenwriter (who is among us—I do like Heathers, man!), so this is potentially a bit of a minefield. But I'm quite curious to see how I'll respond now, especially given how comparatively insane the film plays in memory relative to the MCU assembly line. Probably won't bother to revisit the '89 film first—been ages since I've seen that, too, but I still know it pretty well as it was in heavy rotation at the video store I worked for ca. 1990-1991.

Happy Thanksgiving, lads and lasses. As ever, I'm enormously thankful for all of you. 



Be gentle in this holiday season but don't worry, even I know it's mess. Only anti-Catwoman words will hurt me. I didn't write that Love Connection line!


I would definitily revisit the 89' if I were you. I had it in heavy rotation in my early teens (I'm 40), and recently went back to see it again. And holy cow is it a different beast from the modern ilk of superhero movies! it has it's strong and weak sides, and some of its strenghts are turned in to weaknesses in BR. They two movies are two sides of the same coin, where BR probably is more "Tim Burton" than 89', and that's not neccessarily a good thing. I think they are fairly inseparable .


Still the best superhero film ever made and I hope you can take some pride in that. Above all else, it’s a hell of a lot of fun (as films about men/women in tights should be.)