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I continue to be fascinated by the dynamic of this weekly poll, in which films that are largely ignored for months can suddenly achieve critical mass and unexpectedly win. This time it’s The Aviator’s Wife, which pulled in 20% of the vote on its 14th time at bat. In theory, this is my very favorite Rohmer, though I haven’t seen it in 20 years and suspect my ardor may have been strongly influenced by how attracted I was to Anne-Laure Meury (and/or her character, Lucie). We shall see, assuming I can successfully track the film down. (Worst case I might have to borrow it from a friend who owns the complete Rohmer box set, in which case there’ll be a slight delay.)



(Actually I’d forgotten that I own the DVD. So <i>that’s</i> the worst-case scenario.)


Not only for months but for a chunk of the final poll itself - I checked it before going to sleep, when it had been active for 4-5 hours, and TAW's percentage was way down in single digits (with Thief and Big Trouble in Little China comfortably ahead of everything else), woke up and it was suddenly leading. Felt almost like some sort of a coordinated strike out of nowhere, haha.


Yeah, WTH? I voted long after the poll went live, and Big Trouble in Little China was comfortably ahead of everything else. Maybe the first time a film I've voted for was leading.


I never check until it’s over, so beats me. Apparently people can change their votes (and there’s no way I can see to disable that), so a last-minute groundswell involving a bunch of people switching allegiance is certainly possible. Kinda doubt it’s being actively organized, but you never know.


I don't mean to imply a conspiracy or anything. I was just surprised that the film I voted for was leading the voting, with nothing else even close. I think there may have been 50-something votes in already when I voted. Now I see there have been 75 total votes, and BTILC is way behind.


I almost always vote as soon as the poll opens for the film I actually want Mike to review, and then, when the deadline draws closer, strategically switch my vote to whichever of the top few contenders I'm most interested in. Arguably, this actually hurts the long-term viability of my actual choices - what if a majority of us prefer DOG DAY AFTERNOON but none of us are voting for it because we don't see anyone else voting for it? - but if there's a two-horse race between X and Y, I just instinctually don't want to be the gomer over here betting on Z. I wouldn't be surprised if others thought similarly.


You really need to see Duel, whether or not it wins an internet poll. It's a fascinating blueprint for much of Spielbergs career.


The fact that the poll winners have so frequently been movies that unexpectedly catch fire is what’s keeping me from swapping Duel. I’m hoping people will just suddenly rally around it one week. (That said, the list of requests here is so ridiculously good that I’ve scarcely been disappointed by whatever ends up winning.)


My taste tends to be more mainstream pop culturel, and less "important foreign drama", so I'm often a bit dissapointed :-) But I still enjoy the reviews.


For what it’s worth, I try to always vote for Duel when it’s in a poll (unless I have the chance to vote for my own unloved pick) because… it rules