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Picture: Western (101/8)
Director: Pawel Pawlikowski, Cold War (120/9)
Actress: Toni Collette, Hereditary (163/12)
Actor: Ben Foster, Leave No Trace (120/12)
S. Actor: Hugh Grant, Paddington 2 (118/12)
S. Actress: Elizabeth Debicki, Widows (134/13)
Screenplay: Andrew Bujalski, Support the Girls (176/15)
Scene: Breaking the waves, Roma (75/7)

[The only part of this I could find online is the part I consider kind of terrible (Cleo's confession), so pass.]


This is Pawlikowski's first time getting on the board.

Collette quickly racked up four appearances in Supporting Actress ca. 1998–2002, but until now hadn't been heard from since (because almost nobody saw Lucky Them). She previously placed 18th for Velvet Goldmine (1998), 12th for The Sixth Sense (1999), 15th for About a Boy (2002), and 17th for The Hours (also 2002). It's an About a Boy reunion today because Grant came in 9th for Actor that year; he's also placed 17th in Supporting for Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) and 19th in Supporting two years ago for Florence Foster Jenkins. Ben Foster Not-Jenkins landed at #17 in Supporting for 3:10 to Yuma (2007), then took a decade off (because almost nobody saw The Program). Debicki is new.

Bujalski's screenplays for Mutual Appreciation, Beeswax, Computer Chess and Results placed 20th, 17th, 9th and then 20th again, respectively. He only missed in this category for Funny Ha Ha (which actually should have been ineligible— apparently at the time it was thought to have premiered in 2003 rather than '02. Kate Dollenmayer placed 4th in Actress, but otherwise we didn't bite).




You gotta to hand it to Atli. Nailed the "nominees" and guessed most of the top 19 correctly (though not in the exact order of course). And while it's totally on-brand for the Skandies, I'm still a bit surprised that McAdams will finish ahead of the more highly lauded turns from McCarthy, Collette, Hahn, etc.


Correction. You do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to 'em."