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Wasn’t expecting another canonical Lynch film so soon, nor for folks to request and vote for something that I’ve already professionally reviewed. It’s been a long time, though, so we’ll see whether my opinion has shifted any. (Right now I expect the rating will be 81.) And take heart, those of you who’d rather see less obvious winners—there aren’t that many favorites left to choose from.

Also, yesterday was apparently an organized (by Patreon itself) Thank Your Patrons day. I didn’t take part due to what DFW once called boviscopophobia (= the morbid fear of being seen as bovine), but rest assured that I’m very grateful indeed for your support—not just financially (though that makes all this writing possible), but...morally? That’s not quite le mot juste. But the community that’s forming here is a strong motivator, too. Feels more intimate than Letterboxd, where I have over 10K followers and mostly get comments from randos (many of whom I wind up blocking). Anyway, thanks much. Just not on the day that I’m directed to thank you much. (Yes, I also hate Thanksgiving. That holiday needs a Grinch/Scrooge figure.)


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