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Mike Catches Up With All The MCU Movies He Skipped: An Odyssey Undertaken Solely For The Purpose Of Watching Black Panther Without Having Some Weird Anal-Retentive Breakdown (Please Do Not Waste Your Valuable Time Arguing With Mike In The Comments About How Dumb This Is, Just Accept His Sickness), Part 6 of 10. Ideally, both this movie and the MCU as a whole would have wrapped up on the Leipzig/Halle tarmac—no chance any future entry's gonna top that sequence for giddy clobberin'-time thrills. (Yes, nerds, I know The Thing wasn't there.) Wouldn't go so far as to claim it justifies all the ho-hum assemblage required to get there, but at least one of these knock-down drag-outs finally delivered, making expert use of the heroes' diverse powers while keeping multiple planes of the skirmish visually coherent. Good job, Russos. Alas, there's still half a movie (and then a billion more movies) to go when the dust settles. Opposing positions on oversight did briefly capture my interest, if only because I'd have expected Stark, not Rogers, to bridle at the thought; might even have been effective were Downey's range wide enough to make me feel the weight of Tony's guilt re: collateral damage. (He just intermittently turns off the snark, which isn't enough.) But there's so much Bucky in these movies, and I have never cared a whit about Bucky. Not sure if that's because Stan has never done much more than glower in the role or because Manchurian Buddy just doesn't work very well as a conceit, but I can almost feel my attention leaking out of my eye sockets every time he shows up. Here's hoping he remains cryogenically frozen longer than Philip J. Fry.




The funny part about all this is I predict BLACK PANTHER gets in the low 60s, max.


I mean, probably. This isn't a genre I get very excited about—Raimi's first Spider-Man is the only one I really love. But I'd still feel derelict in my critical duty were I to skip it. And you never know. Went to see Blaze entirely out of obligation and it's currently in my top 10.


(I'm gonna keep plugging Blaze at every opportunity until more of my peers see it.)


Taking a much more leisurely approach to end-of-the-year viewing because no one is publishing/gives-a-shit about my Top Ten and the Voice poll is R.I.P. Will cram for the Skandies, though, and see the Hawke.


You've got the year wrong, it came out in 2016.