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**Full Post on $50 Tier** - text from post below:
!!!Special event!!!   As some of you may be aware, I moved late last year to a new city that is quite far from where I got my start. I know many of you would miss some of the old favs if they never showed up again, so I've reached out to one of my bestest friends Casey to start shooting for me. I think she's a phenomenal photographer, and a total sweetheart; but I will admit she is very new to boudoir/art nude photography, and therefore is a little more bashful to ask models to remove their clothes.  

I do think she'll become more comfortable over time, and that things will get a little steamier as she becomes more experienced in this area of photography, so I hope you'll all be patient and enjoy the beauty she creates and welcome her with open arms.   

If you like her photography, please be sure to leave a heart on this post at the very least, or leave a comment so she can read them and help boost her confidence in creating for us!   Starring all time fav's Cat P & Islay, feel free to leave them kind comments as well <3




beautiful eyes match your dress.