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I had this idea for a shoot based off of available light from a cell phone, but I wasn't so sure it could actually work. You see, photography is all about brightness. The hardest thing for a camera to do, is take a photograph in dim light. 

Plenty of situations that might look normal to you or I, such as a lamp lighting a room at night, often appears far too dim for a camera. This is the reason that photos taken in dim conditions have so much noise. The sensor has to be pumped with excess electricity in order for it to increase the sensitivity to light, and therefore create noise.

So, after our shoot I asked Isabella if she wouldn't mind helping me test out this idea and she was totally down, so I wanted to share these since I think they turned out really lovely, rather than just let them waste away in the barren nothingness of my lonesome computer as they typically would when they are just test shots.

Do you guys like test shots? I did some with Brianna recently, and I was thinking about releasing those as well if you guys want to see them?




I love the variety Brianna has brought to her various shoots, it'd be neat to see what she does with this experiment, too.


Why not that’s what we want to see your work