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Part 2 of Sara's Swift set, click the tag at the bottom to find part 1.  

From part 1:

I feel like I’ve told you guys about this set before. If I have then I apologise, but if I haven’t…

So typically when I first meet with someone who has never modeled before, I try to do an “easy” set. Nothing complicated lighting or setup wise, so we can really focus on learning to pose and nailing beautiful facial expressions. A lot of people have to calm down from the nervous giggles. With Sara, for some reason I just couldn’t help but get complicated right from the start. So the moment she arrived, I got her dressed and asked her if we could head outside for her very first set ever! She was down but very nervous, you would never know it from looking though. She did such an amazing job being nude outside; there were a ton of people only about 30 feet away from us, so we had to keep hiding everytime one would walk from their car into the building. But it all worked out in the end 😂

 Find the outfit on Etsy if you would like to get one for yourself!  




I think you actually posted set 2 last week as as well.


Oh my goodness, so I panicked and double checked everything and couldn't see an error, but now I see you meant regarding the zip files. They were a mismatch from the set last week. I'll go update them now from set 1, thanks for the heads up!