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Part 2 of Louise's Chambered set, click the tag at the bottom to find part 1.  

From part 1:  

I wish I could find a new Louise everyday. It's fairly common that I find someone that is a lot of fun to shoot with. But fairly rare I find someone that is willing to truly go the extra mile and listen to instruction super well. My favorite thing about shooting with someone like her, is getting to go over our allotted time because we are both having a blast. 

This job is fun, but it’s incredible when you can just keep doing more because your shooting partner is up for it. The number of tries we did to get so many of our shots is far above average, but she wanted to make them perfect and I am so very happy she did. You’ll see in part 2 the title image is one that we took at least 30 shots trying to achieve...and in the end I think the results were as good as they possibly could have been. Thank you Louise for being a trooper <3 

Find the outfit on Etsy and follow me on Insta and Twitter!  



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