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I once read the quote

“Always shoot it now. It won't be the same when you go back.” - Jay Maisel

I’ve read many quotes in my life and most of them have been meaningless. But that one really stuck with me because it’s incredibly and unbelievably true. There are times when you think “this could never change, it’s been that way for 30 years.” But upon return things just aren’t the same. Ever since reading that I’ve done my best to stick to shooting things while the opportunity is there. 

With this set, I had shot in this warehouse that was being built a couple of days before and wanted to go back to shoot in it as much as I could before it was closed up and unusable. In the span of those two days, things had changed drastically and already there was some equipment that I planned to use that was long gone, and now I’ve lost the opportunity entirely, and have to hope one day to stumble upon the same type of stuff.

Still though, thanks to sticking to shooting places while they’re there, we got to shoot this beautiful set together. I think you’ll agree it’s the perfect mix of sexy and awe inspiring.

Find the outfit on Etsy and follow me on Insta and Twitter!  



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