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It's time for Lily #2, but this one is spelled with 1 L so I'm not going to add an initial. Hope that's not too much trouble!

So you guys know I absolutely love doing long exposure work, and I often post it here on my "Artistic Shots" series, and while this is no exception, it is also one of the most interesting locations I have found.

So while exploring I stumbled across this gazebo, that is covered in graffiti, and heavily in use by the local stoners. Earlier in the day Lily and I were at this very same spot shooting daylight shots; when I saw in the background two girls walk by, one with bright red dyed hair and another with blonde curly hair. They noticed us and kept on walking because they assumed we were having sex by the glimpses they got of Lily nude.

We came back to the same spot about 4 hours later to get these awesome night shots, when in the dimly lit background I saw THE EXACT SAME TWO PEOPLE and what was crazy is that they walked from the exact same direction in the same exact manner as earlier. It was the most surreal matrix experience I've ever been through. This time around though I called out to them and asked them if they wanted to come down and let them know we wouldn't be bothered if they weren't. So it turned out they wanted to come smoke and get away from the rain that was starting. After they smoked for a while and I finished setting everything up (it's about a 30 min process getting these single image shots ready to shoot) I asked them if they wanted to help. So funny enough I had actually prepped a yellow light and a red light which matches their hair colors perfectly. Anyway they were both super sweet and helpful and we had a ton of fun shooting these. I love the moody B&W above and the lovely reflection of yellow on the floor from the shot below. Comment and let me know what you think as well!



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