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For the longest time Patreon has been much more like an old school blog that is largely text focused, and sharing photography work has been very difficult/impractical. However, after years of asking for it we finally have gallery posts available! This means you can see my work directly on the page instead of having to download files. 

What this also means is that there are going to be bugs, problems, and unexpected issues. I've already had one post crash and go full on corrupt (unrecoverable) while trying to upload one of these galleries. So please be patient, but also know that I will be continuing to add zip files to all posts regardless, so total functionality will still exist. Ok now back to our regularly scheduled post.


Every Wednesday Patreon is updated with the latest outfits, photos, and models from Black Fox Lingerie. This week features the lovely Rylan, Victoria, Kirsten, and Teghan respectively.   

For all of you messaging me on Etsy asking for more photos to get a better idea of what you are purchasing, this is the best place to see and to support what I do so I can continue creating full time!

  This weeks Polaroid features Teri in her signature jacket, cropped to be family friendly :)



Don Necessary

I can help archive your work Arie! ;)