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Let's continue with our countdown to one of the juiciest releases in Wicked history!!!
Today, we spit bullets, we choose violence and go full blast on the mafia!!!

With you, one of our best!!! The soldier, the merchant of death!!! A skull in the front, a machine gun in the back!!! Be ready to put that scum to learn it the hard way, the punisher way! Based on the glorious cover of The Punisher: Armory Vol 1, by Jim lee, we give you, Frank Castle, The Punisher!!!!

How menacing he can looks!!! No superpowers, just an arsenal and unlimited ammo to stuff in his enemies!!! And we bring you lots of options for this one!!! Two different hairstyles, two Portraits, and with and without bandana!

Also, we have made the pose of the Comic cover, but we think that the pose is not all natural, so we just move it a little bit around and give you a second option of the torso!

And of course, we have a small base option for those who cares about the space in their collections!

Estimated Drop

This beauty, along with the X-23, The Ghost Riders Diorama & Sculptures, and the Busts (holy cow!) will be knock, knock knocking on patreon's inbox over the weekend! We will try to make it the earliest for you to have them printing in Saturday!!!

As always, hope you are enjoying what we have for you, and get ready, cuz this 2024 will be our year. There is so much stuff coming that our dudes wouldn't know where the love come from!!!

So, enjoooooooooooooy! We are very happy cuz we feel we are moving forward, and that we are just around the corner to make a big leap in our art! And as always, you're the reason, the muse, the fire that ignite our passion and make our hearts burn brighter than any time before!!!! Be ready, cuz we still have the ace under the sleeve, and bet you're gonna love it!!!!

Smile always, free your heart and be forever Wicked!!!
This 2024 is
Showtime, amigos!


Helpful Links:

🔥 Welcome Pack and Current Term: https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-pack-76734795
🔥 How Wicked Works: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76735248
🔥 Community: https://web.facebook.com/groups/wickedartpatreon
🔥 Freebies for the community: https://linktr.ee/wicked3d
🔥 Q&A: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76735501



Dave Caldwell

could we have a belt fed machine gun, like an M-60 as an example, to go with all the belts of ammo we have laying around. I'd love to have the A-10 Warthog that goes with some of that. also is there supposed to be a knife in that sheath thats snapped closed on his boot?


Hey Dave, what's uuuuuuuuuuuup, my dude! How are your prints going! We are sorry but the model is already finished, we will not add extra guns for the moment, we hope you can give it a try, it will look amazing printed! <3

Terence Randolph

You mentioned a second torso option. Is it a new file somewhere or are you just suggesting we adjust the current torso? Thanks! Love these!!!