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Hola my duuuuuuuuuudes! How are you doing in this glorious Tuesday!!!
Hope you have appetite, cuz we have lots to show you today!!!

Today, we have the 4 pieces that our November term is missing!!! Light to the printer, easy models to tackle on, packed with lots of fun!!!! We give you: The Thor bust, Morbius bust and Emma Frost Bust!!! And wait! If you think we would not have a Galactus Sculpture, behold! The Devourer of world in all his might!!!

Oh man, we are enjoying these more and more! These are the perfect models to kick back and enjoy something easy to print and paint! Lets check them closely:

Thor Bust: This beauty is made so you can put some leds in the hammer, and make it shine like in the comic! The perfect light for the bedroom is here!!!

Morbius Bust: What happen when Morbius lose control? Well, he turns into a fearless bat! And we couldn’t let him outside of the November Party, amigos!!!

Emma Frost Bust: Oh, our White Queen is hitting the catwalk to show you the latest fashion trend in the winter!!!

Galactus Sculpture: Well, this one is not easy, but an epic one to print! Holy cow this guy is big! 740mm of pure intergalactic hunger!!! Take it like a 2.0 of our original Galactus sculpture! This one is reloaded with new and the sweetest details, one of the best for your collections, amigos!

These, along with the Emma Frost Sculpture and the Movies Term will be hitting your collections in the next few days!!

IMPORTANT: Amigos, we are really REALLY behind this month, and sadly we do not think we will have everything ready this week. We are sorry for the delay in this month, but we think we just aimed too high with the model number (19), and these took way more time than we expected. We do not want to rush anything, or sacrifice the quality of the incoming models. We promise that you will love what’s coming next, and everyone subscribed on November will get their term complete as soon is ready! Again, sorry for the delay, but hope you can understand us, and enjoy what’s coming next!!!

As always, muchas gracias for everything you do for the Wicked dream! We feel it stronger and stronger every day, and man, we cannot wait to show you what we have been working on. Bet your printers have never been this busy, and just wait for what we have in the 2024! It will be without a doubt the best Wicked year for all our dudes!!!

Be ready, keep the printers warm cuz we will be right back!!! Smile always, free your heart and be forever Wicked!!!

Cha cha, my dudes!


Helpful Links:
🔥 Our Welcome Pack: https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-pack-76734795
🔥 How Wicked works: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76735248
🔥 Our Community: https://web.facebook.com/groups/wickedartpatreon
🔥 Freebies for the entire community: https://linktr.ee/wicked3d
🔥 Q&A: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76735501




prenez votre temps car quand on voit ce qui va arriver c'est époustouflant mes dudes


Iours mi amigooo! Thank you very much for understanding us! We love to read comments like this! It shows that the Wicked community is a family! We love having you here! <3


Hola, que pasa! Acabo de descubrir este Patreon y me suscribí, fantástico! Me gustaría saber si tendré acceso a los modelos de noviembre. Muchas gracias, amigo.


Hey JP mi amigo! Muchas Gracias por el apoyo! Yes! Porfavor ingresa a nuestro post principal y allí lo encontraras: patreon.com/posts/76734795 avísanos si lo has podido conseguir o si necesitas algo extra!