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UPDATE: We found that in the Balrog Sculpture, in the 6 pieces base, the Base_1 didn't export correctly!!! That issue has been updated and you can find the updated piece in the gumroad link, in the root folder. Also, it has been updated in the main zip file too!!!!! Download the piece alone, replace for the set at home and enjooooooooy, amigos!


And theeeeeeeeeeen, A lightning cross the sky!!!
There come the Wicked boys to burn it to the ground!!!
Make room, clear the dancefloor cuz we come with the moves to blow up your minds and blast off the printers!!!!!!

Todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, we prepare our staffs and swords to go back to the middle earth, where our beloved hero is holding the light of hope against the mighty and brutal demon who wants to put end to the fellowship! Today, we yell once again “YOU SHALL NOT PASS”!!!!!! Today, in Wicked, we are servants of the Secret Fire, wielders of the flame of Anor!!!!!!! The dark fire will not avail you!!! FLAME OF UDÛN!!!

We proudly give you, the latest Wicked madness, directly from the deepest of Moria, we make our final stand in the Bridge of Khazad-dûm: Gandalf vs The Balrog are Here!!!!!

And the cherry on top, the Thanos, Corvus Glaive and Death Busts are here too!!! Links waiting for you in the patreon inbox!!!!


After days and days of planning, of modeling, cutting and printing, one of our dreams became true!!!! Behoooooooooooold the might and love of Wicked for you! A piece forged with all our heart for your collections. Gandalf and the Balrog have never look so LIT!!! Let’s review the features that this amazing drop have to offer:

Balrog Sculpture: Two sets of hands, with and without weapons, so combine them as you like!!! Also, the flames are separated, so you can print ‘em in clear resin to make these glow!!! Includes a individual base for the character alone!

Gandalf Sculpture: Our most beloved Mithrandir have two versions of the staff, so pick the one you would like the most!!! Also, we have two portraits: With and without hat!!! Includes a individual base for the character alone!

Lord Of The Rings Diorama: The final length of the diorama is about 113 cm (Height) x 117 cm (long). So please take that into consideration for your printing! We know its HUGE, BIG, INSANE, totally WICKED and we know you love it too!!! Feel free to scale it down, but don’t miss out the chance to have this beautiful diorama in your collections.

IMPORTANT: The base will be released in the next drop, so you can start printing the characters! Pick your size, scale it in your favorite slicer and remember to write it down, so you can apply the same scale to your diorama base!

Thanos Bust: Two portraits to choose from! Also, the Bust can be used for the sculpture too! Search for it in the Sculpture Gumroad link we sent you before!

Death Bust: Two Portraits too! Skull and human!

Corvus Glaive Bust: The bust can be used as a second version of the sculpture!!! You can find it ready to go in the Corvus Sculpture Gumroad link, amigos!!!


Man, this has to be one of the best Terms ever in Wicked!!!! Can you believe that there are still models to come? Get ready cuz the next one is not going to be any less exciting: Cyclops Sculpture will be joining the collection, along with the Balrog, Gandalf and Cyclops Busts! Also, the Diorama bases are going in: The Black Order and the Fellowship of the ringbases will be released too!!!! We will be letting you know about the exact date of release pretty soon, but be ready, cuz will not be long!!!! All the magic, only in Wicked!!!

Man, this is one of the happiest days here, at Wicked!!! We finally see the result of pushing hard over the last few years: Breathtaking models, the most insane dioramas, lots of love around and happiness everywhere!!! It feels awesome in our hearts, and in the middle of it, the most important piece of the dream: YOU!!!! You’re the reason for everything, you are the fuel that motivate us beyond the hard times and make the Wicked light shines stronger! Muchas gracias for being part of the dream, and dudes, dudes, dudes, let me ask you: Are you READY for what’s NEXT? Hold hands tight and let’s write the Wicked history TOGETHER!!!

Fancy that smile, amigos! Let the printers roar and show the world what you’re capable of! Free your soul and unleash the muse! Your next Masterpiece is waiting!

Be Happy, be Free, Be Wicked!!!




Hey Wicked, I was trying to download all the files for the balrog and gandalf diorama, and I was able to get all the files, except the diorama base on gandalf's section. I downloaded it, but when I go into the folder, there are no stl files, just some Explorer internet link that does nothing. Can you take a look and see if something is wrong with the download?


Hey my dude! Have you tried another browser? We have checked the files and they are fine, we think it may be something you have installed that is not allowing you to view the download. Let us know if you have succeeded or if you need extra help.


Wicked I have started printing and have noticed that some of the files may be missing for the Balrog. I think they are pieces torso_1 (left shoulder, I have no way of attaching the left arm to the rest of the torso) and I'm missing a few wing peices, I think they're right wing 5,6, and 12 and left wing 1,4,8, and 9. I've double checked my files and I didn't miss them when slicing they seem to be missing in the download.