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🔥 September Famous Comic Character: Vote Here!

  • 1. Charles Xavier, The Telepath and mentor! 140
  • 2. Beta Ray Bill, The all-worthy! 93
  • 3. Magik, The Time-space Traveler/Sorcerer! 117
  • 4. Colossus, The Soviet iron giant! 94
  • 5. Juggernaut, The brutal force!! 410
  • 6. Storm, The nature wrath! 180
  • 7. A random character, choose by the Wicked team!!! 66
  • 2022-08-04
  • —2022-08-08
  • 1100 votes
{'title': '🔥 September Famous Comic Character: Vote Here!', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Charles Xavier, The Telepath and mentor!', 'votes': 140}, {'text': '2. Beta Ray Bill, The all-worthy!', 'votes': 93}, {'text': '3. Magik, The Time-space Traveler/Sorcerer!', 'votes': 117}, {'text': '4. Colossus, The Soviet iron giant!', 'votes': 94}, {'text': '5. Juggernaut, The brutal force!!', 'votes': 410}, {'text': '6. Storm, The nature wrath!', 'votes': 180}, {'text': '7. A random character, choose by the Wicked team!!!', 'votes': 66}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 8, 4, 59, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 4, 23, 46, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1100}


Do you have your favorite? Lets choose together!

Remember, one vote per person and the poll is going to be open till Sunday 7th at 11:59pm!!!

If you have an idea of the next characters running here, leave it in the comment section below! Our new options are taken from there, most of the time!

As always, muchas gracias for taking the time to cast your vote, and let's see WHO. IS. NEXT!!!!

Be Awesome, stay happy and live Wicked!!!

Sorry for the double post today, but man, we have so much stuff to show you, guys! In case you miss the Archangel reveal, here is the link for you to check our newest beauty: https://www.patreon.com/posts/70055640 


David Valle

I love it! Thank you hermanos


Muchas gracias my dear David!!! We love to see you enjoying the models <3

Matt McCabe

hope you guys do a Juggernaut vs Colossus diorama, Colossus is my fave!


Awesome taste, my dear Matt!!! Let's wait and see how the poll turns out, and we have other great ideas to come, my dude!!!!