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Friday morning, but the Moon shines hard in the sky, amigos!
Egypt comes to town with all their ancient badassery!~

We proudly present you: Same dude, two different personalities and skills, but one sole desire to make justice! Not even the sands of time can stop his divine retribution! We give you Moon Knight and Mr. Knight!!

Man, man, MAN! Look at them: all business ready to kick some baddies softies old school, baby! We wish to have all that mojo and rock that shirt and wraps like they do!!!

So, do you have the resin ready for them? Let us know in the comment section below! We want to see everyone interacting with the posts!

The Khonshu bouncers are going to join your collection around the 5th of July, amigos! And don't you cry tonite, because they will be jumping into your printers in just a couple of days!!!! Be ready because you will have tons of fun this month!

Alright amigos, we carry you in our Wicked 💕!!! Muchas gracias for all your love and support amigos! We will put everything we have to show you how much means to us to have you here!

Be Awesome, stay happy and live Wicked! Adios, my dudes!



Troy Yost

I believe the email stated July 14thish is the pre-supported versions? But email said June and we well past June haha just checking


Hey Troy, What's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, my friend! How is it going! A small mistake!!! We meant July xDDDD


Hi, they look amazing, how can I get the files please, I subscribed 2 weeks ago


Hey Baudon, my dude!! What's uuuuuuuuuuuup!!!! Yes, write us a message via Patreon inbox telling us that you want this model and we will send it to you <3