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How is your weekend going, amigos!
It's time to present you what you have been waiting for! We have been working for a while on this one, and we think it's ready!

With you, the concept design for the month's diorama! Based on one of the latest MCU additions (well it's Sony but you know what we mean), the antihero we all love! The mean guy with a twisted sense of humor! The Symbiote who fall from the stars to change the life of Eddie Brock: Venom vs Carnage!!!

Oh duuuuudes, we loved this one <3 And we know that its a lot going on there, so we split it in parts for you to check the details we put on this one. We based the diorama in the Church Scene, which in our opinion was the best part of the movie! Also we made a couple of adjustments to the characters details, so they have some comic key elements that the movie didn't have (like the venom logo in the chest). Also we wanted to go full action pose with these so you can re-live the fight of these two! Also don't worry, we are making sure that the complete diorama is not complex to put together, so maybe this time you can give the complete scene a go!!

As always, the diorama is composed by pieces, and you decide if you wanna print them of no: Venom, Carnage, Stained Glass and the Movie display on front. Also, we suggest you to get clear resin and some leds, so you can light up the stained glass in the back and make it epic! Finally, we have some options for you: There is going to be an alternate head for each and a switch right hand for Venom (instead of the scythe).

Hope you like it and let us know what you think in the comment section below!

Million gracias to our friend Wee Liam Tai for helping us with the design, and for the patience to solve our questions <3 Love you, dude!

Alright amigos! Big things coming up this month! We have a pretty important announcement to do, that will change the future of Wicked forever, and will give you a glance of what we are planning for the following months! It's sooooo awesome that we can't wait to tell you, but we need to put together a couple of things first <3 Wanna take a guess? Give it a shot in the comment section below!

Mad love to every single of you, and muchas gracias for being part of the most amazing journey in our lives. Thank you, Merci, Grazzie, domo arigato Mr Roboto for giving us the best community we can ask for. Every day we wake up with the flame alive in our heart and the burning desire to be the numero 1, because we have to give you the very best after all the sweet and beautiful things you do for us <3 And we feel that with each term, we get closer and closer.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and man, this week is gonna be amazing! You just wait, because it's time to go big, baby! Happy printing and be Wicked!


Together, we are the WICKED LEGEND!!!
Our Rules
Promo active:
Print, paint & Share - 800 patrons goal and Happy birthday from Wicked
Next Term: Venom vs Carnage, Domino comic version!
Wicked artists making cool stuff!
Ben Painting, Creative Collector, Groundeffected, Gallifreii3d
Latest tutorials in Wicked models:
Cosmic Ghost Rider, Spiderman Bust



andy vorra

I really, really like this one.


Hey Andyyyyyyyyy, my dear amigo!!!! we can’t wait to see you final masterpiece with this term. Big hug my dude and have a Wicked weekend, ❤️