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Wednesday is here, and Wicked have something spicy to make it tasty!!

Riding across the galaxy, you can find lots of crazy stuff, but ew bet one of the most amazing views we can have is a talking, fighting tree! Man, you don't see these very often!

With you, the twig with an attitude, the Flora colossus! Part of our Guardians of the Galaxy diorama and one of the sweetest MCU characters: Groot!!!

Dudes, this one was a blast to make! You can't imagine the amount of details that a tree can have! Also we went all in and show the not-so-friendly side, so he is extending his arm to impale his foes!!! Also, as part of the Flora Colossus powers, he has control over plants, so look at his base all flourished and beautiful! Just like summer never leave!

Hope you like him and, do you see the comments below? There's where you write what you think!!!

Alright amigos, 4 guardians ready, 3 more to go! But taking into consideration that next month we are going to have Mantis and Draxx, there will be only one left to complete the full diorama: Nebula! And we have an idea for her! We will be updating you in the following days!

So much to show, so short time to do so! So prepare because the following days we will have lots of updates coming!

For now, remember: We, together, are the Wicked legend!!! We are here to be the very best, numero 1, amigos! With you, at our side, we will reach the stars!!!

Have a blast, give your best and be Wicked, my dudes!



Tim Lawrence

I joined a few weeks ago and would love to know where to find this Groot file

Wanda Benton

Where can I find this model please?


Hey Wanda, what's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, my dude!!! Write us a message through Patreon Inbox telling us you want this model and we will help you get it in a very special way!!!!